Monday, November 1, 2010

Christian Studies

When we were a bit younger, we used to have a project called Christian Studies. The project required, among other things, to read a daily Bible story and then answer questions about it.( example: Why did the Wise Men visit a lowly baby born in a manger? ) Though it took us around two years to complete the series of three books full of questions, quotes, and time lines, (not to mention reading the Bible cover to cover) we feel that this project helped us understand the Bible.  

If you are interested in this series, you can order it from Memoria Press.

We recently received a copy of a book about Druidism, called "What Do Druids Believe?" We are going to look for more books in this series, which "introduces different belief systems from across the world in lively, accessible short books that never preach or try to convert -- instead they focus on the way beliefs affect believers' daily lives today."

 This book helped us learn a lot about Druids. Not only did it teach us about Druid beliefs, but it had a chapter on their religious festivals and ceremonies, a chapter on certain mystic and magical events, and a section on Druid roots and traditions. We found one particular festival quite interesting. Every year from October 31 to November 2 the Druids celebrate Samhuinn festival to honor their ancestors. This marks the new year, when summer ends and winter begins. Soon we will be visiting a practicing Druid who will answer our questions about her beliefs. We will write about it here.

Finally, here is a drawing one of us made of the Druid Wheel of the Year, which we found in this book.

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